My Story

Hi! My name is Kat, and this is my blog, Kat’s Health Corner.

My passion for “Nutrition and Wellness” has developed through my personal journey. I am sorry to admit it, but my family didn’t always eat wholesome foods. While growing up, what my family ate only depended on “the cost” and “the taste.” Foods with little nutritional value (i.e., processed and packaged foods, cheap TV dinners, and Hamburger Helper place) were commonplace at the dinner table.  I was lethargic. I was struggling. I was unhappy.

Then one day, my mother was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. This became a blessing in disguise. We began to turn our lives around. We began looking at labels – we weren’t as concerned about what was in the product as what was on the nutritional label; nevertheless, as we made the changes (more home cooked meals, homemade bread, exercising), slowly but surely there was improvement.

But then, over the years, I became… restrictive. The restriction didn’t develop all at once; it was one little step at a time. No more moderation… I was all concerned with

-obsessing over numbers on the scale

-counting grams of fat

-eating by the clock

-limiting the amount of food, whether or not I was satisfied

I wasn’t listening to my body. I wasn’t in-tune with myself. I was overly concerned. I was on the verge of developing a full-blown eating disorder, orthorexia in particular. (The term “orthorexia” was coined by California doctor Steven Bratman in 1997 and is it to describe those with a “healthy eating disorder;” in other words, it’s meant to describe those people who are overly “obsessed with making healthy food choices.”)

I went to extremes. I wanted to be “perfect,” like it says in the scriptures: “Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect” (Matt. 5:48 KJV).

Thankfully, before this issue became dangerous (and thanks to my loved ones), I realized that this was a problem – a problem I needed to resolve. I was only hurting myself. I needed to develop a wholesome relationship with food. I thought I was being “healthy” before, but in fact, I was just being restrictive. I needed a balance.

Throughout this journey, I have learned that every nutrient is imperative – calorie, fat, carbohydrate, protein, vitamin, mineral, phytochemical – each plays a valuable role in the overall function in my body. If I have an imbalance in just one of these nutrients, havoc can wreak out throughout my entire body. I now view food as fuel, not a set of “number tables.”

During this period of difficulty and change, I developed a LOVE for nutrition, and to this day it is my pride and joy. I decided to pursue it as a career. I am now a college graduate with my bachelor’s degree in Health Promotion, and I am certified as a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES®). I have worked as a teacher assistant, as well as an adjunct professor, helping to teach college nutrition classes. I am currently focusing on being a full-time mom and applying the principles I have learned throughout the years. In addition to health and wellness, I love spending time with my family, serving others, doing family history, and blogging.

I am so grateful for my Savior and Redeemer, Jesus Christ. If it weren’t for Him, I don’t know where I would be right now. He is the one who helped me recognize what I was doing and guided me back to the path towards balance. He never gave up on me. He was always there, ready to lift me up, and help me get back on my feet. He continually strengthens me, and I am so grateful for His love and comfort. I am so grateful for my family. Their love and support keep me moving forward. They help remind me that I’m a child of God, a daughter of a loving Father in Heaven, a daughter of a King. They remind me of my potential and that through Christ I can use this experience to help others. I am also grateful for my friends, whether they knew I was going through this or not. Their care and kindness have made a difference in my life. Thank you for your friendship through my ups and my downs.

It has been a difficult journey, but I have learned so much thanks to that challenge. I would never ask for this experience to have been taken away. It was hard, but it has made me more knowledgeable, more caring, and more aware.

Follow me as I strive to draw closer to Jesus Christ, apply healthy principles into our lives, and make some delicious, nutritious goodies along the way. I love meeting new people, so drop me a line when you get the chance.

Questions about my experience with Orthrexia:

Q&A Eating Disorder Answered: Round 1Round 2

More Q&A’s Answered

The Great Questionnaire: It’s Up To You!

Another Questionnaire

111 thoughts on “My Story

  1. Kathleen, you beautiful girl! I absolutely loved reading your story. We need to spend more time together… I didn’t know you had gone through orthorexia. I’ve gotten pretty obsessive about the whole thing, too. I finally gave up on eating every three hours and freaking out over every macro-nutrient in every meal. It’s too stressful. I still have balance in them all though, and I’ve learned a lot.

    I seriously am so excited that you are here now! You are joining the world of us bloggers and it makes me so happy. I will no longer be the only person here that’s plugged into this world, haha.

  2. welcome to blogworld!! where you will have plenty of friends who love to talk health whenever! i’m glad you’re own the right track to eating healthy! 🙂

  3. I’m makin’ this short, sweet and to the point, A, you sound like mother (maybe ya’ll should talk health sometime) and B, I LOVE YOU! 🙂

  4. Kat! I’ve read your blog from top to bottom in one sitting and I can’t wait for more! One of my resolutions for 2011 is to eat healthier and ‘try a little harder to be a little better’ too. 🙂 I can’t wait to try some of your recipes for my family and try to alter my eating habits to make my body happy! 🙂

  5. What a wonderful story! Do you know where you want to go to school? I’m biased, but UNC-Chapel Hill is one of the happiest places on earth…

    1. I’m thinking of a school in Idaho. It also helps that I have a ton (no, I’m not exagerating) of family in Idaho–many of which I have yet to meet; I’m looking forward to getting to know them. 🙂

  6. Hallo!
    It was very nice of you to open your heart and write about your story…it could help a lot of people in the same situation.
    As long as i can i try to eat organic food, and unrefined wheat flavor, too…So I’ll be glad to follow your blog and learn some healtylicious recipe!

  7. Hi Kathleen, I just had a look at your blog and it’s awesome! Great writing and very informative. Love all the pics too. I’m constantly looking for healthy alternatives so will definitely be trying some of the recipes. Thanks:)

  8. Kathleen – I’m so impressed with your dedication to health and healthy living at such a young age! What an inspiration your story is! Keep up the great work – love the blog! – Kelly

  9. just found your blog! i loved reading your story and LOVE your recipes as well… can’t wait to try them out when im home for spring break and actually have a kitchen! (im a third year college student so for now its dining hall food!)

  10. Really enjoyed looking through your recipes and reading your personal story,Kat. It’s amazing how much better we can feel when we change our diets, keep up the good work! Love it when I see young people blogging about their love for cooking and creating healthy recipes! 🙂

  11. hey – another christian bloggin’ sister! you are such a gift, girl, and your testimony is absolutely incredible. i can’t wait to see how God uses you in this community and in the one around you! you go girl.

  12. I can totally relate because I used to have a bad case of orthorexia in my junior high days. Of course, my faith in the Lord was off and on during that time. I love your perspective about life and your faith- it’s really awesome to hear and incredibly encouraging.

  13. Ahhh, what a cute blog you have here. There’s so much good healthy information. I look forward to reading more and follow you on your journey.

    I completely agree, balance is the key to happinesss. Everyday I strive to have balance in my life.

  14. Sounds like you are telling my story! The best moment in my life was when I discovered balance and real food.

    Can’t wait to read more!

  15. What a strong testimony! So many people think eating disorders are physical or mental issues and not spiritual issues. If they relied on God (like you,) then they wouldn’t struggle so hard anymore.

  16. Thank you for the wonderful comment! :]
    You and your blog are an inspiration as well.
    Glad to meet a fellow blogger who has a similar background! Look forward to chatting more. 😀

  17. Hi Kathleen! I am so so glad I stumbled on your blog because I can relate to so much of your story! I started out simply tweaking my diet and it escalated into disordered eating and I was well on my way to needing hospitalization. I have since recognized these issues and am currently recovery and blogging about it too. Your new approach to food and your body is inspiring and I hope to be at that point soon! Please check out my site if you would like, and I am looking forward to continuing to read yours 🙂

  18. i just found your blog and can totally relate! it’s always encouraging to see people who have struggled with eating disorders turn their lives around, especially when they do it on their own, and take the necessary steps towards a better life. you rock! (and all the food you posts looks really delicious too!) you totally struck in this post my mantra on food (or well, the one i’ve recently been taught and am now starting to live by): variety balance and moderation! it makes eating so much less stressful and 100% more enjoyable!

  19. I didn’t realize someone had coined a term for healthy eating disorder – I can totally understand! Thanks for stopping by my blog, I’m looking forward to exploring yours 🙂

  20. I absolutley LOVE your story. I am so glad you are finding better balance with yourself. I am in the process of doing the same thing:) I an relate one hundred percent with trying to be healther, but in turn focusing on numbers and restrictions.

    Thanks so much for subscribing to my blog! I’m new, don’t have many subscribers, so you pretty much made my day!

  21. Pingback: Sweet and Savvy
  22. Hey Kath. First off, you have a beautiful heart and I can see how God is living through you and inspiring you to write each of these posts. I believe it’s no coincedence that I came across your blog, but God’s way of helping me recover from ED. For the first time I read your story I realized that this is EXACTLY how I am, and it’s taking over my life. I am now on a journey to gain weight and I really desperately want to learn to listen to body’s signals again. Thank you.


    1. Dani, you are such a sweetheart. 🙂

      Finding balance with myself has been hard. I’ve had my ups and downs, but I keep moving forward. One thing that helps me is to listen to my body. This has taken a lot of work I must say. I wasn’t in-tune with myself before. I would eat even when I WASN’T hungry — not eat even if I WAS hungry. Now I have found that my body will tell me when it is full, when it has had enough, when it is missing something. This ability to listen to myself is one of the things that has helped me the most. You just listen to what your body has to say and eat accordingly.

      Another thing I have found that helps me is to stop attaching “labels” to foods. This is probably the thing that has helped me the most. There really isn’t a “perfect” food — there are just foods with higher nutrients than others. There are good foods, and some that are simply better for you, but it IS ok to eat foods that are just that – good. They won’t hurt you. If you eat healthy the rest of the time, it most definitely will be ok. Eating a cookie with friends is something I want to enjoy. Going out to the movies with friends. Going to the ice cream parlor. I want to enjoy those moments, not just worry about “what I can eat” and such. Having something simply because it tastes good is part of life.

      Balance is something that I have found to be the best kind of way to live. Part of that balance includes taking care of your body, but also it’s a balance with yourself. Moderation. It’s something that I have to work on each and every day. If I make a mistake, I forgive myself and move on. Tomorrow is a start of a new day. I just keep moving forward.

      Thanks so much for your comment Dani. 🙂

  23. Thanks for being so open, Kat. It’s so great to hear how you’ve been able to overcome one of the hardest struggles and incorporate happiness and balance into your life. I also struggled with “orthorexia” during my freshman year of college and it was one of the hardest periods in my life. Thankfully, the Lord is SO SO SO great… I could elaborate, but you know what I’m talking about!

    Thankfully, just like you, I’ve been able to overcome it and realize the passion I have for food and being a model for other girls and women who’ve struggled with similar circumstances. It’s so important that we remain true to ourselves in order to help others.

    I look forward to looking up some of your yummy recipes 🙂

    – Katie at

  24. I just came across your blog Kathleen and am so glad I did! I love your story and feel as if I can really relate to it! I know how it is to cross that line of living a “healthy” lifestyle and becoming obsessed with it. I can’t wait to follow you in your journey!
    P.S. I LOVE peanut butter and love all the recipes you have with it! I can’t wait to give some of these a try 🙂

  25. Hi !! So my hands began turning orange too , I freaked out went out and got every blood test and everything came back normal. I green juice every am for a year now , kale, cuccumeber , celery.. And eat 2 large spinach salads a day. I really think this is the culprit . Plus spurilina smoothies .. Any thoughts.. Do u have ur reciepies posted ! I would like to pick your brain on some food ideas.. Thank you

  26. I just found your site and I am glad I did. 🙂 I loved reading your story. I used to be over weight and consumed processed junk. I lost weight about 5 yrs ago and managed to keep it off. I started my own blog too. Check it out if you have the time. I am always online looking at health articles or recipes and that is how I found your blog. I am a follower of Jesus Christ too. It’s nice meeting others like me that have a passion for a healthy life.

    1. Hey Nicole! 🙂 Thanks for your thoughtful comment — it really meant a lot to me. 🙂 Congrats on turning your life around. I know that that must have taken a lot of strength and courage, but you did it! I’m so glad that you are a sister in Christ too! I always love meeting other people who strive to put Him as the center of their life. 🙂 Your blog looks gorgeous btw! I love the collage at the top — I’ve never been able to figure out how to make one of those.

  27. Kathleen, I love you so much. I just recently came back to this… I was never really a good blogger, but I plan on changing that. I mean, it’s just like a journal…only online. ;D I love you!!! I am so glad that I found your blog (again) as I was already following it. I’m glad to hear you’re doing better, I had no clue that you had dealt with stuff like that. You are amazing!!!<3 –Karen Alyse

    1. Hey Karen! 🙂 You are so sweet. I didn’t know you blogged! 🙂 Yeah, I do find that blogging is like journaling. I love that I can share my experiences, connect with others striving to find balance with themselves too, share my testimony of Christ, and share my love of health and fitness. 🙂

      It’s been a long journey for me with striving to find balance with myself, but I would never have asked for that trial to have been taken away. It has made me the person I am today and I am so grateful for the things I have learned about myself and the joy I’ve had at finding who I am.

      I love you too!!! 😀 I hope you’re doing well! 🙂

      1. I am very happy you have 😀 This is amazing!!! You really get into blogging. I’m trying to become better at this. Maybe it’ll work… I’m doing well!!! I hope you are as well 🙂 LOVE YOU!

  28. Hi Kat,

    I loved reading your About Me section–you’re so honest and truthful about what you went through. I also love how you’re so open about your faith and what He means to you :]

    I stumbled across your blog while I was checking out Some Like It Raw (reading over comments that had been posted, looking for more info on a topic) and I’m so thankful I did. I haven’t had a chance to look around your page much (got too inpatient to write you a comment!) but I’m excited to see your journey on health and the help that you offer others!

    Thanks so much for putting this out there,

    In Him,


  29. I loved reading your story! I can definitely relate, I’ve gone through 4 rough years of high school but I’m doing well now! Healthier and happier than ever being a vegan. So glad I followed your blog, can’t wait to see what you’re cooking! Also good luck in college! Nutrition is definitely interesting I read a book that got me inspired and interested and became a vegan because of it (: ❤ Good luck on your journey ! Keep up the good work!


    1. Hey Ally! I’m so glad you’ve discovered a passion for health too! It’s been a hard journey to get where I am right now, but I wouldn’t have asked for it to have gone any other way because it’s made me the person I am to.

      Best of luck to you with your health endeavors! 😀

  30. Hi Kathleen, This is Abhijit from India.Thanks alot for veggie receipes.I read your story, its really inspiring.

    Best of luck & Thank you,

