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Chocolate Almond Biscotti

Hey my Chocolate Chips! 🙂

Thank you for your comments on my last post. Your comments really make my day bright. 🙂 You guys are so sweet! Remember: YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL JUST THE WAY YOU ARE!

I asked if you wanted Healthified Biscotti.

You heard my cry.

I responded with a treat,

that you can try.

Chocolate Almond Biscotti

printer friendly version

Notes: The sweetness is perfect. But if you don’t have much of a sweet tooth, try halving the stevia. You can use whatever kind of sweetener you’d like. WHOLE GRAIN. VEGAN. VEGETARIAN.


  • 1 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 2/3 cup baking blend stevia (or simply use sugar or maple syrup; if you use maple syrup, cut back on the applesauce a little bit)
  • 1/4 cup cocoa powder
  • 1/4 tsp salt
  • 2 tsp baking powder
  • 1/4 tsp baking soda
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  • 1/2 cup applesauce
  • 1 tsp vanilla
  • 1/2 cup almonds, chopped

optional: chocolate chips, melted, to drizzle on cookies


Toast chopped almonds in a dry skillet until fragrant (about 2-3 minutes). You can also do this in the oven.

Set aside.

In a large mixing bowl, combine the flour, stevia, cocoa powder, salt, baking powder, and baking soda.

In another bowl, combine the coconut oil, applesauce, and vanilla.

Beat in the flour mixture.  The dough should be stiff, but not sticky. Mix in the almonds.

Preheat oven to 350*F.  Line a baking sheet with parchment
paper (wax paper will work too). Roll dough into a log (mine was about 13 inches long).

Bake for about 20-25 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the center comes out clean.

Let cool on baking sheet for 15 minutes.

Transfer the biscotti log to a cutting sheet. Cut the log on the diagonal with a serrated knife.

Lay the cookies onto the cookie sheet again on their sides and bake for 10 minutes at 325*F.

Turn the cookies onto their other side, and bake for another 10 minutes. Let cool on cooling rack.

Optional: melt chocolate chips in a sandwich baggie. Cut the corner of the bag, and drizzle chocolate onto cookies.


They are perfect to dip in Hot Chocolate and Vanilla Almond Milk!

Questions of the Day

Do you drink Hot Chocolate in the Summer? I love it so much that I just can’t only drink it to the winter months. 🙂

I want to know: How do you view the sugar in fruit? I see it as an essential nutrient, but not to be eaten in excess (of course). Fruit still provides many imperative nutrients that the body requires. I’d rather eat the sugar in fruit than regular white sugar, which has been stripped of all of its beneficial nutrients.

I just came home from a week-long Camp (Girl’s Camp), so I’ll update you guys on that soon. Also, I just finished a couple of Challenges, so expect a post coming up soon!


67 thoughts on “Chocolate Almond Biscotti

  1. Thanks for the recipe, I am definitely baking those!
    Hot chocolate is great, it is my special treat I enjoy no matter what time of year it is. Sometimes I have ot every single evening after dinner for like one or two weeks 🙂
    I know that the sugars in fruit should be eaten in excess, but I love fruit soo much! And I am eating no toher added sugars in my food, so I think that indulging in my fruit salads is quite OK 🙂

  2. Wow I never knew how east Biscotti was to me.. with so few ingredients. Thanks for sharing this recipe, Kathleen – and I hope that you had a great time at your camp.

    1. Yea, biscotti is easier to make than many people think. 🙂 I really want to make them again! Yes, I did have a good time. 🙂 I’ll update about it in an upcoming post.

  3. Oooh this looks soo good! I haven’t had biscotti since I was little and I can’t wait to try making it myself.
    As far as sugar in fruit goes, I don’t worry about it. I’m an athlete and need the extra carbs anyway, so if I’m gonna be consuming sugars I might as well get some nutrients with it!

  4. YES! I was hoping you’d post the recipe for these delicious-looking biscotti! I made biscotti once a few years ago, and it was delicious but not healthy at all! I like that you used whole wheat flour, applesauce, and almonds in this. It’s decevingly healthy. No one can taste the difference! 😛

  5. yay for this! Although I am not much of a baker, I am going to attempt this for father’s day! Thanks for posting this!

    P.S. I am ALL up for the “sugar” in fruit. It’s natural and fruit provide our bodies with essential glucose that we need to function. Nothing tastes better than a cold piece of fruit on a hot summer day 🙂

  6. Yum, i love biscotti! I drink hot coffee in the summer but not hot chocolate. We used to go to this little local coffee shop that had the best hot chocolate smoothie thing. And I think the vitamins, minerals, and fiber in fruit outweighs the sugar.

  7. as usual, great recipe!!!

    I see hot chocolate as a winter only thing for me at least. I’m all about the iced drinks during summer!!

    And I do think fruit is great because of all the vitamin/minerals they contain. I definitely have them daily but I also make sure not to overdue it due to the sugar…too much makes me feel not that great. Moderation, as with anything, is really the key!

    1. I have been finding recently that if I eat a TON of them at once, my body going crazy. Moderation is something I need to work on with fruit. I’ve started to baggie-size portions of fruit (like grapes and melon) so I can’t actually know what is a serving of each.

  8. I love biscotti!

    No hot chocolate in the summer for me.. it’s all about the iced coffee 🙂

    I don’t care too much about added sugar. I just can’t have sugar cane/sugar beet products of any kind because I’m super sensative to them but maple syrup / honey and fruit I lurrve!

  9. Just received my batch I bid on from “Baking for Boobies”..White chocolate melted in the florida furnace 😉 but they were SOOOOOO delish!!! Already had 2 🙂 Did you use coconut oil to melt the white chocolate chips?? Thanks for a speedy delivery 🙂

  10. YUMMMMM! I can’t wait to make these: they seem very simple, healthy and delicious: everything I like.

    And as I wipe up my drool, I’d like to ask a question. I don’t have the baking blend (stuff’s hella expensive) and I hate adding sugars to stuff. Do you think there’s any way i could use stevia drops instead? Maybe if I replaced the baking blend with a smidge of extra flour and mixed the drops in with the liquid? I’d go right on and try that but I’d like to hear your opinion on it first.

    1. I totally understand you. I hate adding sugar to stuff too. I’m sure the liquid stevia would work! What is the amount-of-drops:sweetness ratio? Dates would work too if you like those. I have NuNatural’s Vanilla Liquid Stevia and I LOVE IT! What kind do you have?

      1. Didn’t think of dates, even though I’ve got a bag full sitting in my freezer and crying to be used. I don’t like things super sweet so usually if I’m making a big batch I use a dropperfull or two. And that’s the kind I have, it’s the BEST!

          1. I am so glad that the liquid stevia worked!! 😀 Now I want to go make me some of these using the liquid stevia. 🙂 My dad took all of the biscotti cookies with himon his trip, so I don’t have any….

  12. Sounds like a wonderful recipe! I love to make biscotto and give them as presents- so fancy-looking! 😉
    I think cutting fruit out of the diet because of the sugar is a huge mistake. We need fruit, and there is a big difference between that sugar and white refined sugar!
    Have a great day 🙂

  13. Hey girl! These look delicious! I’ve never tried making my own biscotti, but you make it look so easy… and tasty! And speaking of tasty, hot chocolate is good any time of the year 😀

    As for fruit, I adore it and don’t worry about the sugar. Our bodies need sugar too, and fruit have so many nutrients that it’s stupid to worry about the sugar content.

  14. I always want to make biscotti but am always so intimidated by it – it looks so difficult! Am I just psyching myself out or is it really as much a process as it looks?

  15. I don’t really worry about the sugar in fruit, but sometimes I eat SO much that it makes me feel jittery- almost like I’ve had too much caffeine! Then again, that’s after eating two pounds of strawberries 🙂

    1. Haha, I could totally eat two pounds of strawberries. Just watch me. 😉 Ask anyone who knows me — I am a Strawberry Monsta!! 😀 Wow, that is so interesting about how the sugar effects you. I guess that is your body’s way of saying that that’s enough! 🙂

  16. Mmm… that looks delicious!

    I am a fan of sugars in fruit because they are the only sugars that don’t hurt my heart! 🙂

  17. Did you seriously read my mind?! YUM I will definitely be trying this recipe out after an interesting experiment with trying to invent a recipe for healthy biscotti last week!!!! Yay!

  18. Sounds awesome, and so do you! How do I make them gluten free, and I only have powdered stevia, not the blend with stevia. What would the proportions be?

    1. Just use a Gluten Free Baking mix (like the one Bob’s Red Mill has) in place of the flour. With the stevia — 2TB of powdered stevia has the sweetness of 1/2 cup of sugar. Just use that + a little less than 1/2 cup more flour.

      Please tell me how they turn out! 🙂
