Balance With Self · Health And Nutrition


Hello Gumdrops! 🙂

You guys are the BEST readers EVER!!!! I am so deeply grateful! Thank you for all of your sweet comments on my Almond Joy Dessert Bars! I loved talking with you guys about your favorite candy bars and how those companies need to take a closer look at their ingredient lists and CLEAN THEM UP!!! 😀

One of my goals for 2011 is to try something new.

As I have mentioned in earlier posts, I have wanted to reach out of my comfort zone and do more cooking. To assist me in this endeavor ;), my sister and I just went to a Vegetarian COOKING Class! What an amazing experience!!!

Mommy KHC saw an advertisement for this Vegetarian Cooking Class and thought my sister and I might enjoy it! She was right (like usual ;))! Thanks Mommy KHC!!!

Light and Easy Vegetarian Cooking for Beginners

We made sure to get there early so we could get comfortable and not arrive all stressed out. 🙂

After signing in, we took our spots [and made sure to get a seat up FRONT! Mommy KHC (a former High-School English Teacher) has always told us that C-students sit in the back, B-students in the middle, and A-students up front! (for multiple reasons like fewer disturbances, more focus, etc)] .

Lying on the tables in front of our seats was a Pamphlet of Recipes, Tips, and COUPONS to WHOLE FOODS!

Here I am holding the Cooking Pamphlet our instructor (we’ll call her Mrs. E) gave us. She is so kind! 🙂

Here’s my sissy holding her copy. 🙂

She is such a cutie! 😀

I only made one mistake I ate dinner before! Because I had already eaten, I wasn’t that hungry when I got there. MISTAKE!!! There was so much good food, it was such a shame I wasn’t hungry for it!!!

Even though we were the only teens in the class, the adults helped us feel comfortable. The adults were astonished with my knowledge of Health, Cooking, AND Baking! 😀

The food we made was deeeeelicious! 

Now YOU can join us in the delights! 😀 Here are some pictures of what we made.

Veggie Sandwich or Wrap. (I ended up eating the inside of the wrap like a salad because, like I said, I wasn’t that hungry)

Hehe, sorry. I gobbled it all up before I could take a picture. It was delicious though! 🙂

Next, we made  (starting at the top left and going clock-wise) Brussel Sprouts with White Beans, Taco Salad, and Sautéed Mixed Greens (kale, swiss chard, collard greens, mustard greens).

Mrs. E asked for a volunteer to help make the Taco Salad, and I raised my hand. She called on me and I got to help her make it! I am telling you — it was SO easy! 😀 Sauté onion, add brown rice, beans, corn, tomatoes, spices, and THAT’S IT! 😀

This was my first time EVER eating Brussel Sprouts and I love them! They taste just like Cabbage, so if you like Cabbage, give these little cuties a try! 😀 I want to try them roasted now! 😀

Next up, (starting at the top left and moving clock-wise) were the Wheat Berry Salad (on top of red and white Quinoa) and Black Bean, Sweet Potato and Mango Stew.

Yum Yum! 😀

Next up, Smoothies! 😀 I helped put this one together too! 🙂 My sissy took a picture of me while I was up there.

Haha, I look absolutely ridiculous.

Some of the basic ingredients included fruit (like that Super Fruit Cherry Berry Blend we used :D), yogurt, milk, and a frozen banana!! 😀 She even suggested using FROZEN Spinach in smoothies since it adds to the coolness. 😉

And then last, but definitely NOT least, Apples, Strawberries and Homemade Chocolate Fondue (which had Almond Butter in it!!!)…

… And Sugar Snap Peas, Jicama, and Homemade Peanut Sauce. 🙂


Have you ever had a Jicama? (pronounced hi-cah-mah, with the J a H-sound, and the I a short i-sound)

Here’s a close up of the Jicama. Say cheese! 😀

I totally agree with it’s label! More Fruits and Vegetables, the BETTER! 😀

Mrs. E explained that a Jicama is halfway between an Apple and a Potato, but not very sweet. It has a soft, neutral flavor to it actually. 🙂

Here’s a picture of my lovelies.

My sister tried the Chocolate Fondue and fell in absolute LOVE! I’d felt that Mrs. E had already done so much for us, so when she let us take the rest of the Fondue home, it was almost overwhelming. 🙂 My sister is definitely one happy camper! 🙂

If there are these kinds of classes where you guys live, I highly suggest them! 😀

One of the things I have learned is that preparing meals does NOT have to be hard! It can be LIGHT, EASY, and BEGINNER FRIENDLY! 😀

I made sure to thank Mrs. E. This was such a wonderful experience that I will NEVER forget!

“Now you listen hear Mr. COOKING. I’m giving ya fair warning! LOOK OUT, cuz here I come!” 😉

Do you like to cook? What do you like to cook?

Have you ever taken Cooking Classes?


66 thoughts on “Look Out Mr. COOKING, Cuz HERE I COME!

  1. So cool that you took a cooking class! I want to take one but I’m so nervous! I’m such a beginner in the kitchen. I’ve never tried jicama, but it sounds like an interesting ingredient!

  2. That looks so fun! One of my friends goes to cooking classes and promised to take me sometime. I’ve always naturally been a very good cook, but I’m trying to get better at baking. I want the whole package!
    Two more things:
    1. roasting brussel sprouts is life changing.
    2. you look adorable.
    kthxbye 🙂

  3. Yuum! That cooking class looks like so much fun! I didn’t used to like brussles sprouts, but now I love them! 😀 Especially roasted with a little garlic! so good!

  4. That sounds like a such a fun cooking class! And the food looks delicious. 🙂 I wish they offered a class like that here, I would definitely take it.

  5. I should look into one of those classes, I am trying to get into veggies more. You should try broccoli raab [cook in pan w/lil garlic,butter,salt… mmmmm]

  6. SAY WHAT? I am so so so jealous you went to a vegetarian cooking class! How fun and exciting! I would love to do that someday…someday soon!

    You are too cute girl! I love you hair! 🙂

    Everything looks delicious!
    Though last time I had brussel sprouts I wanted to gag! I am ready to try them roasted now, again!

  7. I’ve taken some vegan cooking classes before. They were fun! Esspecially the sampling 😉
    Can’t believe that was your first time trying brussel sprouts! They are my fav. 🙂

  8. Wow Kat, looks like you had such a great time! I want to go to a class, now!

    I love roasting brussels sprouts in olive oil/salt/pepper. So delicious.

  9. What happened to the brussel sprouts green leaves? Did you guys peel off the outside part? When I cook brussel sprouts, usually stir fry or roasted, the finished product looks green.

    I heard like cooking class are the best. I’ve taken a fun baking class and this month for my birthday, my fiance and I are taking cooking class together. I’m so excited.

  10. I’ve taken a few cooking classes before (sushi making was one of my faves!!!) and I agree, they are so much fun! All the food you made looks delcious…I LOVE brusell sprouts too… HAVE to try them roasted, they are to die for! I also love black beans and wheatberries so I think I would have loved those two salads you all made!

  11. I’ve always wanted to take a cooking class. I never learned how to cook until my bf taught me. I am 22 years old we’ve together for 15 months so go figure lol Pretty embarrassing. If it wasn’t for him I still wouldn’t know how to boil an egg nor would I be making awesome oats! 😀

    1. My mom taught me the basics, but I’ve had to learn the rest on my own. I don’t mind. I love looking stuff up and learning all of the Chemistry behind cooking/baking. :) 

  12. Ah how fun! I love that face you got there in your last photograph 😛

    I love cooking in general but my faves are sweet potatoe fries (because they’re easy!) and pesto pasta. I’m hungry thinking about it..

    1. Haha, thanks. I kind of thought it looked ridiculous. 😛

      Sweet Potato Fries are AWESOME!!! How do you usually make them? I like to just cut them up, olive oil spray, salt, pepper, (maybe garlic and basil), oven at like 425 for 15 minutes or so.

  13. That sounds like an awesome cooking class! That’s so nice that you brought your sister too! 🙂

  14. How fun! My sister and I always talk about wanting to take a cooking class together. I’ll be honest, I have no idea what jicama is…

    1. I didn’t know what a jicama was either! But I think I have had it before….. 🙂

      You and your sister should totally take a cooking class together! I know you would enjoy it! 😀

  15. You and your sis are adorbs!!! The cooking class looks like it was a blast!!
    I have tried jicama before! If you grate it and fry them they taste just like hashbrowns!! But healthier 😀

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