Goodies · My Life

Kat’s Recap of 2011!

Hey My Gorgeous Firecrackers! 😀

Are you looking forward to this coming year? I can’t believe that in just a few hours it will be 2012!!! 😀 I’m already hearing some fireworks outside and I’m getting really hyped!

Thinking about the year to come brings a retrospect of this previous year. It has gone by so quickly! I can barely believe that it is time to go on to another year. I just went to a New Year’s Eve dance last night and it really hit me: 2012 is almost here. This coming year is going to bring a lot of new things to my life. But before I talk about those, here’s a recap of 2011 for me with some of my favorite posts!


A few of my favorite posts:


A few of my favorite recipes this past year:

Banana Nut Bread – oil and sugar-free!

This was my FIRST recipe – I published it December 25th (Christmas Day) of 2010. That was also the day my blog was born!

Coconut (Snow-Speckled) Chocolate Date Cake!

I remember making this for Valentines and for my mom’s birthday. 🙂

Kat’s Vanishing Oatmeal Raisin Cookies!

Awww, I love the smell of cookies baking in the oven. 🙂

A Single Lady Banana Cream Pie!

I loved how this was like a Larabar but NOT a Larabar.

Peanut Butter Banana Chocolate Chip Pancakes!

I made these for my dad’s birthday. I woke up really early that morning (before 4am) to make these for him before he woke up. Once I was done, I set up the table, quickly crept upstairs, and silently slipped into bed. I was a lot of fun! He-he.

Banana Split Brownie Pizzert Babies!

I loved how these turned out with the carob powder, protein powder, and oat flour. Yeah for gluten-free babies!

(Peanut Chocolate Chip) Protein Granola Bars!

The peanut and chocolate addition to these was INCREDIBLE — YUM!

Cinnamon Raisin Walnut Butter!

This is officially one of my favorite nut butters EVER. The salty and sweet is just to die for! Walnut Butter has won my heart. ❤

Banana Coconut Brownies!

One thing I do what to do more of this coming year is bake more with different flours (like coconut flour). I want to become comfortable with baking with them and start experimenting with them till I get the hang of it. This is one recipe where the flavor hit on the nail!

Raw Chocolate Chip Cookies!

Oh gosh, these are just so deadly!!!! ❤

Chocolate Covered Cherry Milkshake!

I love how this milkshake combines two of my favorite foods: chocolate and cherries!

Baked Pumpkin Pie Pudding!

This is one of my favorite treats to make now! I really want to try making this with sweet potatoes and see how they turn out.

All of these recipes are vegan and many of them happen to be gluten-free, too!


Some of the things that I’ve done this year:

… and so much more!


I can still hear fireworks outside my window, but not the BIG ones yet. I’m waiting by the window for the official 2012-ones to appear! I hope you guys have a wonderful New Years! Coming up will be a review of how I did on my goals this past year and what my goals are for 2012!

What was your favorite recipe I posted this past year? Favorite post in general?

Do you do fireworks yourself? We can’t, as it is against the law where we live (we’re also in a drought, so fires can start-up easily). But I love watching the ones from Sea World and Six Flags and such.  The ones on television are really pretty, too!

Are you staying up/did you stay up to 12am? My parents both went to bed early, but my sister and I are still up. The thought did cross my mind to just go to bed because we have to get up early for church in the morning, but since New Year’s is something that only occurs once a year, I’m staying up till at least midnight. 🙂 Then I’ll go to bed. 🙂


23 thoughts on “Kat’s Recap of 2011!

  1. My favorite posts of yours were the whole wheat bread and Q&A.

    We don’t do fireworks, but my brother and his friends did those “poppy” things outside.. No idea what they are called! It’s illegal to do fireworks where we are at too. My neighbors did a lot though.

    I babysat from 3:30 to 10:30, came home, made no-bake cookies for my brother, made some food for myself (last sugar for one month!) and posted my New Years goals. I also counted down to midnight with the tv :S

  2. Happy New Year Kat!!!!

    We stayed in and watched Vertigo and watched the TV fireworks from London at midnight – they were amazing! Lots of our neighbours also let fireworks off which were good, our cats got a bit scared though!

    Here’s to a fantastic 2012 x

  3. Looks like you had a great year darling!! I loved following you this year and learning from you. You are so amazing Kat! And your recipes have me drooling all over again. You seriously create the best things! Happy New Year 🙂

  4. 2011 was an amazing food-invention year for you! They all look so delicious. Next year I have to dare you to make savory dishes. AT LEAST TWO! Do you prefer cooking sweet to savory? Or is it just preferring eating sweet over savory? I’m curious =)

    1. I’m more of a baker than a cook, so those are the kind of recipes I usually share.But I will TOTALLY take on your savory challenge. That sounds fun!  🙂


  5. Happy New Year!
    2011 was definitely an AMAZING year for you when it comes to food and recipes. Everything you’ve shared has been amazing. And I know there are only more delicious things to come in 2012.
    I barely made it to midnight this year- I’m not a night owl AT ALL. haha. Oh well. (:

  6. I turned in early. I was feeling really sick! Next year I’ll definitely stay up though. I tried a bunch of your recipes this year and I really liked the brownies!! They were delicious!

  7. Happy New Year, Kat (it’s a little late, I know)!

    I’m really amazed by how well you can keep track of all of your accomplishments — here’s to many more in 2012! 🙂

  8. Happy 2012 Kat! What a great year 🙂

    Have I told you that I make your DAD pancakes like once a month at least??? I love them! I also enjoy making the pizzert babies! You are so creative!

