Balance With Self · Goodies · Health And Nutrition

The Exclusive Insider’s Look Into My Life! Part #2

Hey My Banana Cream Pies! 😀

How was your Easter?! Mine was truly amazing. 🙂 Astonishingly, I DIDN’T do any baking on Easter! I know – shocker!! 🙂 But, no worries — I made some cookies for my mom Saturday night, so I’ll be sane. 😉

Thanks for all of your loving support and wonderful comments on my last posts! You guys mean so much to me! 🙂 I’m glad you guys enjoyed Part 1 of My Life. And before I continue with Part 2, I wanted to thank Wendy, Kayla, and Ann Claire for all suggesting I do a Day-In-The-Life-Of-Kathleen Post. Thank you my darlings! 🙂 This is so much fun! Maybe I should join the WIAW crew! 🙂

And Now—

My Life: Continued. 🙂

———————After Lunch————————-


3 pm-ish Snack (#4):

Usually fruit w/ nuts; Green Smoothie; roasted vegetables; veggies with hummus; or a Bananner with PEANUT BUTTAH! 🙂

This time I chose a Green Monsta. 🙂

Around this time (or right after lunch), I may get a nap too! SCORE! 🙂 Sometimes I get a nap in the morning. It’s really just if I have the time.


Help with making dinner

Dinner(5:30-6pm ish):

My dinners consist of a protein, starch (brown rice, whole wheat pasta, sweet potato, reg potato), and VEGGIES.

One example is a big ‘ole plate of roasted cauliflower with whole wheat pasta, peas, carrots, and meatless meatballs! 🙂

YUM! The cauliflower and meatless meatballs had so much flavor that I didn’t need tomato sauce! 😀 Well, and, I don’t really care for pasta sauce on my cauliflower anyways.

Evening activities: Either School, Activities, Babysitting, Blogging, Reading, time with my family, or whatever! 🙂 I sometimes do some weight training in the evening, too. 🙂 A lot of my cardio workouts incorporate strength training in them already, so strength training isn’t something I worry about. Pilates is another one of my favorite wind-down activities. 🙂

You can’t NOT have dessert! 🙂

Dessert at around 8 pm (Meal #6):

How about some Nutty Apple Spice Cookies!

I’ll either have a piece of fruit, a couple cookies, a muffin, peanut butter cupcakes, a single lady pie, ounce of bakers chocolate, or whatever I’m in the mood for. 🙂 Sometimes, I just munch on some veggies.

Activities, whatever. Read, blog, (play a Nancy Drew game if I have one I haven’t conquered yet. ;))

BED TIME! 😀 (Varies from 10pm-12am) I’m still working on getting to bed earlier. It’s really hard to change my body clock. My mom has now set a limit to how late I can be on the computer, and that limit is 11pm. During Spring Break, haha, I was on the computer till 2AM most nights, either blogging or watching a movie on Netflix. Haha, not good, I know. Even though the 11pm rule may feel like a restriction, I am actually grateful for it — it allows me to work on getting to bed earlier! 😀

My Life

IMPORTANT! These pictures DON’T REALLY SHOW EVERYTHING I eat. Sometimes, when I have a day where I worked out SUPER HARD, I get into a very snacky-mood. So, I reach for more fruits (frozen strawberries are one of my favorites) and vegetables (like cauliflower, carrots, broccoli, whatever). 🙂 Think of me as a Rabbit. 😉


How do I incorporate all of these lovely baked goods into my diet????

I’ll explain.

Are baked goods all that I eat? Definitely not.

Are they an addition to my diet? Well, not quite. When I eat baked goodies, it is a replacement of other food, and not an addition to what I normally eat. Like, for instance, if I make some muffins, I’ll view them as my grain for the meal, and such. Dessert Bars, well, dessert! 🙂 Pizzerts! Well, I’ll have that for ANY meal. 🙂 Breakfast, Lunch, OR Dinner. Doesn’t matter. 🙂

What I strive for is to balance out the baked goods in my diet. Baked goods do NOT have to be unhealthy for you. And eating healthy definitely does NOT have to taste bland. Healthy can taste like Almond Joys! Healthy can taste like Reese’s! Healthy can taste like cookies and cakes and pie!! You can stil enjoy the things you like, just in a healthier way. Find that balance within yourself. Eat your fruits and vegetables. Eat your whole grains, healthy fats, and lean proteins. Healthy is a way of life. Healthy is balance.


Have you ever made your own pasta? I have. We have a pasta maker (and a wheat grinder, and a soymilk maker, AND a rice cooker), and it was so cool to watch it mix the dough and come out as pasta! PLUS, it only took a minute to cook — SCORE! 🙂 Though, I don’t think we should have doubled the recipe — it made a TON! 🙂

Do you like cauliflower with spaghetti sauce?

What time do you usually go to bed? My goal is to get to bed by 10 pm every night.


57 thoughts on “The Exclusive Insider’s Look Into My Life! Part #2

  1. i LOVE these posts!!! i love days in the lives of bloggers!! and of course we can have our cake and eat it too! so agreed on that!

  2. I need to work on going to bed earlier too! My goal is usually 10-11. I’m usually pretty good at it but sometimes it seems that there’s never enough time in the day…
    Love the ideas you have of incorporating baked good into your diet. I try to do the same but sometimes I have second dessert!
    I’ve never made my own pasta but I love cauliflower in anything! Steemed cauliflower is the best

    1. I know that feeling! It’s as if their needs to be an extra 8 hours in the day to fit in time to go to bed! Oh yes! Steamed Cauliflower is DELICIOUS! I especially love it roasted. 🙂

  3. Thanks for the shout out! I love your explanation of how incorporate baked goods into your life and how healthy can be delicious!
    Yes!! I have made homemade pasta! I haven’t done it in forever just because of the time it takes to to make it and lay it all out and let it dry and everything. Next time I make it though I’m definitely make some whole wheat pasta!
    My bed time just real depends. I try to go to bed by 10/10:30 but sometimes with homework and evening activities it just doesn’t happen. And some days I could get to bed earlier but I spend to much time doing other things…such as blogging 🙂

  4. I still need to make those apple cookies!!! But I do exactly what you do-eat dessert for breakfast!! Healthy dessert, that is 😉

  5. Thanks for the shout out! Are you into Dr. Fuhrman and Eat to Live (I can’t remember how i found your blog!)? Anyway, that is amazing that you can skip food and opt for dessert instead! Whenever I do that I find myself wanting to eat real food and then just eating the meal after the dessert so the calories really add up for me. Wish I could do it your way!

  6. I make my own gluten free pasta and love it. It’s so much easier than it seems like it would be – just like making pie dough.

    I haven’t had cauliflower with pasta sauce, though I think just about anything works with pasta sauce!

    I usually lie down with Annabelle at about 7:30 pm and we fall asleep between 8 and 9 pm. (Scott moves her to her crib.) Then I wake up at 4am. Crazy I know!

  7. So cool that you make homemade pasta! We did it once, but we don’t have a machine, so it was HARD and took forever and the noodles didn’t taste too good.

    1. I’ve never made pasta without our machine. I can see how it can hard! I admire all of those Italian chefs who can make it by hand, make it so quickly, AND have it perfect every time! Maybe we could both spend the summer there and learn from the pros in person. 😉

  8. ilove funn!!!!
    dessert happens for me EVERY.SINGLE.NIGHT:)
    I haven’t ever made homemade pasta….i need to get on that!

    1. Haha, I was up ’til after 1am last night. I was working on my quote book (gluing quotes in, writing about them). I just wasn’t tired! But, this morning I was. I am so grateful for naps! 😀

  9. I’m not a fan of cauliflower, I’ve tried to like it though! As far as my bedtime, I am a night owl so it’s really difficult to fall asleep before 11 p.m. Thank goodness for coffee!

  10. I wish I had time to cook dinner, but usually it comes from the microwave. School and track take up a lot of time. I can’t wait until summer!
    I usually go to bed between 11 and 12 and I’m up at 6. Not a good habit at all!!

  11. I have a pasta maker too! I love making whole wheat pasta with it…so fun! I love cauliflower with anything….tomato sauce would be good!

  12. I love what you write about balance, girl. It really is so important!

    We make homemade pasta for special occasions. We would make it more often, but don’t have a pasta maker so it’s pretty labor intensive. We are hoping to get a pasta maker this year, though! I’m so excited! 😀

  13. Great post!
    I’m always in bed by 9-9:30. I can’t stay up late, I don’t know why!
    I almost bought a pasta maker one time, But I got a rice cooker instead which I absolutely love.

  14. I’m trying to go to bed at 10 pm every night this week. When I was in high school, I worked until midnight every night, and the only time I could get on the computer was after I got home, so I would stay up SO late!

  15. I love reading other people days. I’m currently working on a post of my daily eats, it’s fun stuff. And I love your green smoothie! It’s sooo bright green! Lately mine have been brown, stupid strawberries! 😡


  16. I love reading these! You should definitely continue them 🙂
    Can I come live with you so I can enjoy all your delicious looking eats too? 😉
    And I love how you incorporate baked goods into your diet! That’s how I do it too!
    We have a wheat grinder too! It’s so much fun to use! 😀 And I’ve made my own ravioli before (I made the dough and everything!) It turned out incredible, and now I get many requests by my mom for me to make it 🙂

  17. I have never tried pasta sauce and cauliflower I have some in my fridge now and was thinking about mashing it but this sounds even better… bedtime try to be in bed by midnight but I need to shoot for 11

    1. Me too. Since my parents have set the limit I can be on the computer to 11pm, it has really helped. 🙂 But I find that it takes me about an hour to get ready for bed, so I think I should actually aim to get off the computer by 9pm so I can be in bed by 10pm. 🙂 I love mashed cauliflower! 🙂
